
World Championship KF & KFJ. Thanks Mick Jr and thanks Nikita 

THE CIK-FIA World Championship, run in Essay (France) was a real triumph for the chassis we manufacture, indeed we were the absolute leaders in both categories to the point of gaining the podium.  
The global success of our brands is clear and beautifully enhanced by the performance of the drivers of the Racing Team. Nikita Mazepin and Mick Jr, at the end of a perfect weekend, have collected the rewards of the hard work carried out until today with all our staff. Nikita and Mick have stood on the second step of the podium, respectively, in the category of KF and KFJ, behind the two new World Champions, Lando Norris and Enaam Ahmed, both with a FA Kart-Vortex chassis (Ricky Flynn Motorsport team).
In KFJ class, Mauricio Baiz (Kosmic Kart) completed the podium, followed by the other Kosmic Kart of Haaga.
Jehan Daruvala, FA Kart-Vortex, closed the podium of the KF, in a blaze, we remember, of  made-in-Prevalle chassis.

KF -

KFJ - http://www.cikfia.com/fileadmin/content/Export/2014/Essay/kf-junior_results107.pdf 

The complete news with interviews, photos and videos is coming soon.